SOI - Over a period of time interconnectedness of human made systems impact humankind and the environment
- Formulate a clear and focused research question to guide your investigation (Should have a command term, case study, time period)
- Justify relevance of research question in relation to SOI (Answer to be written in two paragraphs 1st - connect to RQ and SOI, 2nd - Worthy of investigation, use words like important, useful)
- Outline one challenge you might face in your investigation
- List/Explain two pieces of information that could help your investigation (When you give information explain it)
- Frame a subquestion with the concept SYSTEM and explain it (Sub question should start with 5W’s and 1H no command term!)
- List 4 sources (It is mandatory that you list 2 primary and 2 secondary sources. Example: book on cold war, interview of historian. Do not repeat type of source)
- List one research method (Example: Analyse newspapers, Deduce information from books. Make sure research method is connected to the source that you have mentioned)
- Difference between primary and secondary source
- Evaluate research question, subquestion, and sources consulted (Strengths and Limitations)
Response to task:
SOI - Over a period of time interconnectedness of human made systems impact humankind and the environment
- Formulate a clear and focused research question to guide your investigation (Should have a command term, case study, time period)
Research Question: Analyse the impacts that the anganwadi healthcare system in India has had on the eradication of polio from 1992 to 2012
“To what extent did the creation of factory reforms by government systems impact living conditions of workers from 1850 - 1880?”
- Justify relevance of research question in relation to SOI (Answer to be written in two paragraphs 1st - connect to RQ and SOI, 2nd - Worthy of investigation, use words like important, useful)