
Discuss the impact of how the blockade shape global politics and influence the sustainability of international relations during the Cold War


The Berlin Blockade was a significant event which began in 1948 during the infamous world war II. However, this blockade was due to the Cold War. The Cold War was one primarly between USSR and US on the basis of a clash of communist versus capatalist ideologies. The Cold War had unofficially begain in 1917 due to the Russian Revolution due to Russia only then becoming officially a communist body, arguably, later on in 1947, the Cold War began in the result of the announcement of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.

The Blockade refers to a wall that was built by the Soviet Union, in attempt to force the Western Allies to abandon their post-WW II occupation of West Berlin, further blockading all road, rail and water access to the city. Why was West Berlin important? West Berlin was deep within the Soviet-controlled East Germany and was surrounded by similar territories. At the end of World War II, Germany was divided into four zones of occupation controlled by the Allied powers, with the Western Allies controlling West Germany and the Soviet Union controlling East Germany.

West Berlin was a symbol of Western presence and influence in East Germany, which the Soviet Union saw as a threat to its control over the region. As the Soviet Union was communist, this was not an uncommon insecurity for them to inhabit, however what temporarily bothered many territories, was the blockade. This was initially due to the division of Germany, where it was divided into four occupational zones. These zones set clear segregation between the Western Allies with power of West Germany, and the Soviet Union for East Germany, this was directly headed towards tension between the two nations in the future. Furthermore, the introduction of a new currency in 1948 by the Western Allies made the Soviets view this as a heavy potential threat to their economic control. Berlin was also important as it was the former capital of Germany, subsequently, when the Western Allies had an opportunity to take power, the Soviets felt threatened, resulting in the blockade.

The Soviet’s response to the Western Allies creating and adopting a new currency was to blockade the supply of road, rail and water to the citizens in West Berlin. This directly resulted in tension and furthering the beginning of the Cold War. The Soviet Union hoped that the blockade would force the Western Allies to abandon their presence in West Berlin, but the Western Allies refused to be intimidated and launched the Berlin Airlift to supply the people of West Berlin with food, fuel, and other essential supplies. However, in response to the blockade, a massive logistical event named the Berlin Airlift took place where the Western Allies, more specifically the United States, United Kingdom and France. This airlift consisted of over 278,000 aircraft travels to supply the Berlin citizens essential suppplies. Approximately 2.3 million tonnes of supplies was sent to Berlin for them to showcase support to people in Berlin. This event was significant in the early Cold War, which also indirectly sent the message that this no longer remained only an ideological war but also a physical one. The blockade highlighted the division between East and West, which led to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949, a military alliance aimed at containing Soviet expansion.

Moreover, the Blockade was also subject of going against international laws, and the response which was the Berlin Airlift also sent the message of the importance of maintaining and following rules to sustain piece. It stood for long sustainable international institutions to prevent conflict and chaos and promote cooperation and diplomatic international relationships. Furthermore, the airlift also proved the strength of air power in modern welfare and was an example to the opportunity of future militaty strategy expansion.

Globalisation is the term which refers to increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of global economies, societies and cultures. Although this term wasn’t introduced until 1980, the Western Allies were subject to a great example for showcasing determination and a clear stance for healthy relationships internationally. This relates to globalisation as it indirectly encourages nations to engage in economic, social and cultural exchange on a global scale.

In conclusion, the Berlin Airlift by the Western Allies showcased that they strongly stood against the Soviet expansion and to establish West Berlin as a symbol of support to the people of Berlin. It also demonstrated commitment to protecting their principals and morals inline with freedom. Lastly, It demonstrated the importance of international diplomatic cooperation, escalated Cold War tensions, led to the initiation of two separate German states, established West Berlin as a symbol of Western determination, and shaped future international relations strategies.
