Dominant practises like colonialism involve one nation being oppressed by another. It can be challenging to distinguish colonialism from imperialism, which is one of the challenges in defining it. Frequently, the two ideas are used interchangeably. Imperialism also involves exercising political and economic authority over a dependent territory. But there are some hints regarding how the two names differ from one another in their etymologies. The Latin word colonus, which means farmer, is where the word "colony" originates.

This root serves as a helpful reminder that the process of colonialism typically involves the relocation of people to a new area where they established permanent settlements while retaining political allegiance to their home nation. On the other hand, imperialism is derived from the Latin word imperium, which means to rule. The practise of one nation using indirect means of control, such as settlement, sovereignty, or other means, to exert dominance over another is known as imperialism.