In October of 1962, an American U-2 spy plane photographed USSR nuclear missile sites being built in Cuba by the USSR. For the first several days of the crisis, JFK and his advisors met in secret as to not alert the USSR and Cuba as to their knowledge.$^8$

After much deliberating, US determined that they will impose a naval blockade around Cuba. The purpose of the blockade was to prevent the USSR from bringing more military supplies into Cuba. US demanded the removal of missiles from Cuba and the destruction of the sites. The public was made aware in October 22nd.$^8$

Both US and USSR recognized the destruction of nuclear war, and neither side wanted it. As a result the USSR agreed to remove their nuclear weapons from Cuba for the promise that the US will not attempt to invade Cuba again. In another deal, that was a secret for more than 25 years, the US agreed to remove their missiles from Turkey.$^8$