The map of europe changes greatly
Map pre-WW1:
Map post-WW1:
With the Allies invading the Ottoman Empire, France and Britain assumed control of many places in the Middle East.$^{16}$ More people became open to new ideologies. The Bolsheviks and their communism, and the extreme fascism that spread across Italy and Germany.$^{17}$
Due to the rise of nationalism, colonies began to revolt. It spread across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This eventually led to the end of colonialism.$^{17}$
The war led to collapse of the Russian, German, Austria-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires. Russia gave way for Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Germany and Russia gave way for Poland. Austria-Hungary split up into Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and part of it went to Romania, Ukraine, and Belarus. The Ottoman Empire collapsed into disarray and chaos. What was left of it became Turkey.$^{18}$
Due to the devastation of the war, many countries in Europe lost infrastructure. Civilians lost their homes and fled to safer countries. As a result of the new territorial changes, many found themselves in a new country. The population of men declined, as a result so did the birth rate.$^{18}$
Women became better treated. Because of the lack of male population, women replaced men in factories and offices. Countries began to recognized women as an important part of society. Many countries gave women new rights, like the right to vote.$^{18}$
Germany and Britain spent 60% of their economies on the war effort. To recover from this, countries had to raise taxes, borrow, and some even began to print more money. The excess printing of money led to inflation.$^{18}$
The economies of nearly every European country broke down. Many people left their jobs in order to fight in the war. But, as a result, many companies closed. When these soldiers returned, they found that there are no jobs for them. Businesses that boomed during the war were generally producing weapons. These businesses had to close after the war.$^{18}$
The only country in the war that did not suffer these consequences, was the United States. It participated, but joined late and did not face the same destruction that its European counterparts faced. America remained economically strong.$^{18}$