Source - Sir ppt
What is tourism?
- UNWTO (world tourism organisation) defines it as activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.“
- According to UNWTO tourists are ppl who are travelling to new place for
- leisure
- Business
- Health
- Take up accomodation
- Travelers passing thro a counrty without stopping (huh)
Tourism is negative
- When the level of visitor use is greater than the environments ability to cope
- Uncontrolled tourism threatens natural areas around the world
- Soil erosion
- Increased pollution
- Increased water usage
- Discharged into the sea
- Natural habitat loss
Types of Tourists
- Domestic
- International (Outbound and Inbound)
On the basis of the nature of activity conducted by the tourists they can be classified as
- Ecotourists
- Adventure tourists
- Pilgrimage tourists
- Business tourists
- Medical/Health tourists
- Leisure tourists
- Backpackers etc.,
5 Factors that Influence Tourism
1. Environmental factors