- Mechanisation of goods and services
- Preceded by the Agrrarian Revolution
- The Agrrarian Revolution resulted in surplus of food.
- Mechanisation in the Textile industry with Inventions such as:
- Spinning Jenny
- Cotton Jin
- Flying Shuttle
- Textile shifted from cottage industry to an industry of mass production
- Invention of Steam engine revolutionalised transport and mining
- Factory system came into place:
- Men, Women, and Children employed.
- Women payed less than men
- Children pain less than women
- Harsh working conditions and long working hours
- Introduction of the factory act:
- Improvement in working conditions
- Children below 9 were not employed
- Better pay
- A minimum break of 1 hour was compulsory.
- Surplus of goods resulted in the search for new markets
- Led to growth of imperialism
- Creation of a capitalist economy
- Growth of Colonialism
- Scramble for Africa
- Migration from villages to towns
- Growth of urban towns
- Adam smith’s book — primary resources