The League of Nations was an intergovernmental organisation whose goal was to promote peace. It operated off of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points. It was the predecessor to the United Nations.$^0$
The goals of the LON can be summarized by the acronym K.E.E.P.P.$^0$
Keep the peace by not allowing aggression by any nation.
Encourage cooperation between nations. Mainly in the form of trade.
Enhance the living & working conditions of its citizens.
Persuade nations to stop militarisation and promote disarmament
Peace Treaty of Versailles.
When a country violated a law laid down by the LON, they had three options: condemn, arbitration, and sanctions. Condemning involving telling the country that they did wrong and what they did in open assembly. Arbitration involved the LON mediating the conflict. Sanctions involved imposing trade embargos on a country to push them towards bankruptcy.$^0$
When a country needed help, the LON could do two things: organise aid and give smaller nations a voice. Organizing aid involved sending supplies and expertise to the country that needs help. The LON also can provide a platform for nation’s that would be otherwise ignored.$^0$
One of the main reasons was the the 1929 collapse of the American stock market. This led to many countries worrying about themselves rather than solving humanitarian issues. France and Britain lost interest in sorting out international disputes as it negatively impacted their trade and costed them money. The governments of countries in economic ruin turned to extreme fascism.$^0$
In 1931, Japan invades the Chinese province of Manchuria. In 1935, Italy invades Ethiopia. In 1938, Germany invades Czechoslovakia. The LON failed to stop or adequately punish these acts.$^0$