- Opium was a significant part of trade during the 19th century
- Opium was extremely addictive and the recreational use harmed peoples health
- By the end of the 19th century, many countries imposed bans on “opium dens” that sold the product
Manchu China’s Views on Trade with the West
- Didn’t want to, was closed off
- Manchu China wanted to resist european culture
- They prevented european merchants who were interested in trade with Manchu China from entering
- The europeans wanted access to chinas cheap and good quality goods
- The Europeans didn’t treat the chinese with respect, they often got drunk and caused chaos on the chinese ports
- China regarded them as barbarian who didn’t respect the chinese culture, unaware of the chinese laws and ignored the chinese customs
- Chinas policy was called a “closed door” policy wherein they tried to limit their trade with the west to a minimum
- If a chinese person was caught teaching chinese to one of the european traders, death was the penalty
- China basically made it really hard to trade w the west
- west didn't like this
- The trade with the west and chinese was one way, china would give the west their goods but wouldn’t accept the western goods
- They wanted to be paid in only gold and silver coins
- This made trade with china expensive