Q2. evaluate action plan
The action plan presented above is comprised of both strengths and limitations with respect to the Green Wall project. The action plan is strong in organisation. The action plan sets up well defined goals, and shows their progress. With this, organisation the NGO has been able to restore 6000 hectares of land area, reforest 6300 hectares of land and plant 165203 trees in one year. The action plan is also strong in facilitating future plans such as finalizing next years budget. This aids in setting next years goals which in under the upcoming column of the action plan.
However, there are limitations presented in the action plan above such as the in-progress column tasks. The in progress column tasks are yet to be completed. Such as Interviewing people from the villages and analysing the changes in the development indicators in Mali from 2020 till present day. These tasks hence hold back the NGO from writing their yearly report. The action plan is also limited in planning, the planning shown above is very basic and does not give any deadlines and dates. By not assigning deadlines, the project wont be able to be completed on time.
Overall, the action plan is moderate. The strengths include the completion of many tasks such as the plantation of many trees, restoration and reforestation of many hectares of land, collection of yearly report in mali and training of many people. The limitations include, lack of planning and the incompletion of the in progress tasks. The strengths and weaknesses outweigh each other, and hence the action plan is neither good nor bad. The action plan can certainly be improved with the addition of deadlines, and completion of the in progress column.
Q3. (12M)
Q4. One of the major causes of global climate change is the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by protecting forest ecosystems. The biodiverse forest ecosystem’s vegetation is responsible for the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide through a process known as photosynthesis. Through this process, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be brought down. This is very important as the increased carbon dioxide levels are one of the primary causes of global climate change, and its numerous negative consequences.