The Reformation also known as the Protestant Reformation was the religious revolution that took place in the 16th century. Its main leaders where Martin Luther and John Calvin. The Church had lots of power, both politically and spiritually. The Church commanded armies, participated in international politics, and waged wars. Everyone knew that the Church was corrupt with simony and nepotism rampant. Many realized that the Pope was more of a king then a spiritual leader. However attempts at reform had failed in the past.$^5$
The initial action of Martin Luther was the posting of the “95 thesis” on the door of Castle Church. These were a list of 95 things that Martin Luther was concerned about in relation to the Church. Martin Luther disagreed with many of the Churches actions on a deeper level. However one of his major qualms was with the Indulgences.$^6$
The letters of Indulgences were sold when the Church took donations in the form of buying these letters, which were said to shorten the time your soul spent in Purgatory. The Pope had granted the use of this letters in order to rebuild the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. These letters were sold just outside Wittenberg, where Luther lived. He was very concerned about the use of financial transactions to get into heaven.$^6$
Due to the invention of the printing press, copies of the Bible translated into the vernacular language were readily available. Luther and other reformists used the Bible as the only source of information rather than relying on the teachings of the church. They found that many of the teachings of the Church were incorrect. That many of these teachings were for the Churches own benefit.$^6$
Luther’s and other reformists ideas began to spread. The Church did not like this. They tried to ignore it, but these ideas became more and more popular. In the Diet of Worms, he was asked to recant his thoughts. He denied. This led to him being excommunicated from the Church. This response is often called the counter-revolution.$^6$