- As the global population continues to increase and existing fuel supplies begin to run
out, countries will have to find ways to increase energy supplies.
- Natural Resources are used in many ways, Energy is the most demanding and
consumed resource. Hence Energy Resources play an important role in the
development of a country.
- Energy is used to for both Domestic as well as commercial purposes like- it heats
homes and offices, cooks our food and powers transport. Much of the energy that is
used is in the form of electricity. This is called secondary energy - Primary
energy sources, such as fossil fuels or the wind, have been used to generate it.
Different Renewable sources of energy that may be used
Renewable technologies offer a way to increase energy supplies, however they are often more
expensive or less efficient at producing energy than fossil fuels. Therefore they may require
government subsidies.
- Derived from the waste products of living things (ex: cow dung)
- Plants burn the waste and non recyclable stuff to generate electricity/energy
- UK uses
Hydroelectric power
- River water is trapped behind a dam in a reservoir and the water is released in a controlled manner to spin the blades of a turbine and produce electricity
- UK uses
- US - hoover dam
Wave power and tidal power
- Wave energy harnesses the power of small movements on the surface of the sea.
- The technology is new and currently expensive.
- UK uses less
- Use heat within the earth to generate electricity
- Iceland uses