“Developed systems and well-planned areas may lead to a sustainable living environment globally” Based on this SOI, answer the following:
- Create a suitable question (2)
- Justify the relevance of the research question (4)
- Mention any two primary and two secondary sources which you think will probably use for your research (4)
- Mention two important and relevant information which you would like to collect based on the previously mentioned sources (2)
- What are the challenges you might face while doing the research (2)
- Investigate the impacts of city planning and the well developed systems in masdar city to create a sustainable living environment from 2010 to 2023?
- The research question is relevant to the Statement of inquiry “Developed systems and well-planned areas may lead to a sustainable living environment globally” as it connects to the concepts of sustainable living environment and developed systems. By investigating the well developed systems, urbanised city planning and sustainable living measures undertaken by masdar city, the research question will be able to appropriately investigate the statement of inquiry, and provide meaningful answers.
what you're supposed to do
- connect to concepts
- say what problem area you are investigating
- By collecting varied, and relevant data the accuracy of the information produced by my research question is enhanced. Two primary sources of information that i would use to investigate my research question are
- Records/documents accounting masdar cities sustainable systems and infrastructure
- Surveys taken by me about the use of the technologies from the masdar city residents
Two secondary sources of information that i would use to investigate my research question are