To enhance energy security the government has to
- Encourage conservation and energy efficiency
- Maintain diverse energy supplies (Energy Mix) while enhancing domestic production and delivery
- Maximize economic efficiency
- Accelerate research and development to create and deploy advanced energy technologies
- Develop and implement effective contingency and emergency plans
- Develop policies based on sound science and realistic economic, national security, and environmental needs to make decisions that are timely, consistent, and coordinated with energy security, economic, and environmental objectives E.g. Subsidies can be given on Alternate sources of energy (like India has given subsidies for installation of Solar Energy panels.)
- The industrial sector to use Energy Mix and then transition slowly to a Renewable form of energy.
- Industrial sector may also look at Technology that is efficient as well as affordable to
- Source raw material locally rather than outsourcing to reduce cost of production
- Use local human resource
- Change in life style by using products and services that are home grown and local - reduce cost of production
- to be mindful and aware of the Carbon footprint and material footprint of the
produced goods
- Educate the community about use of local products with lower and sustainable
forms of energy
- support small scale and local industry by using home grown products that use less energy and also provide employment to the local communities.