- France was afraid for its security after the Anglo-American Guarantee was denied and disagreed with Britain about how to deal with Germany. Britain wanted Germany to be able to rebuild its economy so that it could benefit from the trade.
- France's goal was to weaken the German economy has much as possible through reparations
- France also needed these reparations to pay its debts to the USA
- When Germany missed a delivery of timber as part of her reparations, France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr region
- Britain was strongly against this
- The goal of France was to collect the missed payment from the Germans by taking the goods from the mines and factories and shipping them to France
- The German workers did not co-operate with the French, instead they protested by destroying the goods, the mines and the factories
- The event broke out into a violent conflict and resulted in inflation
- The Weimar Government which already had a serious inflation problem made things worse by printing more money to help support the workers which resulted in disastrous inflation