- Signed on the 28th of June 1919
- Between Allies and the Weimar Republic (Germany)
- Alsace-Lorraine was given to France after Franco-Prussian War
- Ruhr and Saar were given to France for 15 years
- Ruhr and Saar were coal producing regions
- German colonies to be surrendered
- League of nations was formed
- Led to the creation of a supra national organization
- League of nations to promote peace and settle disputes through negotiation
- Eupen and Malmady given to Belgium
- Memel to Lithuania
- Hutstchin to Czechoslovakia
- Geopolitical changes to Germany
- Map was redrawn
- Austria couldn’t join Germany
- Sudetenland to Czechoslovakia
- Yugoslavia was created
- Article 231 (War Guilt Clause) -
- Germany had to take full blame for the war
- Pay war reparations
- No air-Force
- Only 6 warships and 100000 soldiers
- Conscription was banned
- Rhineland was demilitarized
- German warships scuttled