1. 1789
    1. French Revolution; George Washington elected the first President of America.
  2. 1914
    1. Beginning of World War I.
  3. 1917
    1. Russian Revolution.
  4. 1918
    1. End of World War I.
  5. 1919
    1. Treaty of Versailles signed.
  6. 1920
    1. Formation of the League of Nations.
  7. 1945
    1. Establishment of UNO; End of World War II; Hiroshima and Nagasaki experience the first dropping of the Atom Bomb; Death of President Roosevelt.
  8. 1946
    1. Civil War in China.
  9. 1965
    1. Death of Sir Winston Churchill; Singapore becomes the sovereign independent nation; outbreak of Indo-Pak war.
  10. 1980
    1. War starts between Iran and Iraq; Ronald Reagon elected USA President.
  11. 1994
    1. South Africa emerged from aparted regime with Nelson Mandela as its president. GATT treaty signed to create World Trade Organisation (WTO).
  12. 1995
    1. WTO comes into existence. Nuclear test by France. Balkan peace accord signed.