- 1789
- French Revolution; George Washington elected the first President of America.
- 1914
- Beginning of World War I.
- 1917
- Russian Revolution.
- 1918
- End of World War I.
- 1919
- Treaty of Versailles signed.
- 1920
- Formation of the League of Nations.
- 1945
- Establishment of UNO; End of World War II; Hiroshima and Nagasaki experience the first dropping of the Atom Bomb; Death of President Roosevelt.
- 1946
- Civil War in China.
- 1965
- Death of Sir Winston Churchill; Singapore becomes the sovereign independent nation; outbreak of Indo-Pak war.
- 1980
- War starts between Iran and Iraq; Ronald Reagon elected USA President.
- 1994
- South Africa emerged from aparted regime with Nelson Mandela as its president. GATT treaty signed to create World Trade Organisation (WTO).
- 1995
- WTO comes into existence. Nuclear test by France. Balkan peace accord signed.